Brain Cancer Symptoms

Brain Cancer Symptoms – Know what to look for

When it comes to many diseases, knowledge is power and early detection can often mean survival; that’s why it is important for all health-conscious people to learn all about brain cancer symptoms and signs.
Common brain cancer symptoms in women include an uncommon tendancy to lose one’s balance (for example, if she stumbles frequently, has muscle twitches, etc.), vomiting, memory loss, severe headaches (of course, women also suffer from headaches from stress, that signal the onset of their monthly cycles, etc.), anxiety and depression, a disruption in normal speech patterns, as well as disturbing and uncontrollable eye movements.


Brain cancer symptoms in men also can include severe headaches and negative shifts in one’s intellectual functioning, seizures, and bodily weakness.

Sadly, brain cancer even affects the very young.  Parents on the lookout for brain cancer symptoms in children should ask themselves a few basic questions.  Is your child having trouble concentrating in school or remembering basic facts?  Is he/she experiencing frequent and severe headaches?  Is she/he exhibiting severe changes in behavior and personality, become physically awkward, or showing signs of fatique?  These all could be signs and symtoms of brain cancer.

And everyone, of all ages and both genders, should be on the lookout for early brain cancer symptoms, including nausea, dizziness, headaches, and vomiting.

It is important to note, however, that a person need not panic the moment they experience a headache or take a tumble.  Many other conditions boast the same signs and symptoms as brain cancer, a fact which sometimes make this particular disease difficult to diagnose.  Also note that, if caught in the early stages, brain cancer is treatable.


A cancer diagnosis is no longer a death sentence; that’s why it’s important to pay attention to what your body is telling you about the overall state of your health.  Visiting Internet resources and reading books on health-related issues also can be helpful, as can talking with friends who are cancer survivors or who are teachers, authors, speakers, etc., with special knowledge on this subject.

Yet nothing can replace the advice and counsel of a professional, licensed physician, or the importance of regular doctors’ visits and health evaluations.  And if you do experience a sign or symptom or brain cancer, be sure to notify your physician immediately.

Knowledge is power; those who use their brains stand the best chance of surviving the dreaded disease known as brain cancer.

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