Knowing some truth can somehow save your health and ultimately life if you are healthier than yesterday. But some items that we normally have at home are the dangers and can compromise our health that we’re trying to protect. So let’s reveal those household items that we must stop using for good.
1. Shampoos and Shower Gels
Although not officially backed up by science, there are obvious facts that these items can cause cancer over time. One truth about most shampoos, shower gels, liquid scrubs and even soaps is that they contain harsh, chemical ingredients. Unless you use naturally formulated products, these bath items can actually leave harm to your hair, scalp or skin. So better choose a more natural product.
Image Source: dreamstime
2. Air or Room Freshener
Among simple household items, air freshener or room spray have carcinogenic substances that can lead to cancer. But this particular item is more dangerous because it’s sprayed in a room and can be easily inhaled. If you think you are making your indoor air fresher then this should serve as a warning that it doesn’t. It actually just adds more hazard to your family’s healthy. Don’t wonder now if your kids start having asthma or suffering from common cold more often.
The good news is that you can replace commercial air sprays with natural ingredients. Just have a spray bottle and mix essential oils that have great fragrance (such as lavender and chamomile) and crushed herbs or rose petals. Toss in the bottle, shake and ready to use for freshener. It’s natural, safe, inexpensive and sweet fragrant.
3. Candles
Candles are not that dangerous but frequent use of this item can make you prone to certain health conditions that include hormonal disorders, respiratory problems, and learning difficulties to children. In fact, this is more dangerous to kids and pets. The danger here is the ingredient lead, which is found in the wires so once lighted, it ignites those poisonous substances.
Image Source: globe-views
Now you know what not to use and replace with a more natural item. It’s NOW the time to throw those items and look for a better and healthier alternative instead. You have been warned so don’t ignore this simple truth about candles, shampoos and air freshener.
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