Bile Duct Cancer Prognosis
Bile duct cancer prognosis depends on many factors. These will contribute to the positive result of healing from the said cancer. Factors included are the stages where the cancer has progressed, the kind of treatment taken, the possibility of complications and how responsive the patient is to the treatment.
It also includes typical recovery rate, rate of survival and death rate. Surviving from this is cancer is possible through treatments.
In other cases, this kind of cancer cannot be detected until it has gone to later stages. These are the times when the cancer has less chance to fight it or worse, no longer treatable. Therefore early detection and early treatment contribute to a positive prognosis. Visiting a doctor annually or quarterly for check-up can help you get early treatment in case you are diagnosed with it.
Bile duct cancer is a very rare disease. Based on the 5-year survival rate, stage 4 bile duct cancer prognosis, intrahepatic bile duct cancer prognosis and Distal and Perihilar bile duct cancer prognosis is only 2%. The common bile duct cancer prognosis for stage 1 increases to 15% and for stages 2 and 3 by 6% for intrahepatic bile duct cancer. The prognosis for Distal and Perihilar bile duct cancer is 30% for stage 1 patients and 24% of those who are in stages 2 and 3.
Symptoms for this bile duct cancer can only be visible when it is already at the advanced stages. This is when the cancer is hard to be treated. This kind of cancer also progresses very slow but leads to slow cancer cells spreading. There are still chances of positive result after the right treatment is made. Taking chances to survive is important when dealing this kind of cancer.
The advanced bile duct cancer prognosis is very poor because this stage the cancer has already spread to other parts of the bile duct and to the body. If proper treatments are taken and the patient’s body is healthy enough to respond to these treatments, there is progress in its prognosis. Bile duct liver cancer prognosis is also very poor. Liver cancer can only be cured when it is found at the early stages. Undergoing treatment at the right time is the only method to cure this cancer survival rate.
Improving the bile duct cancer prognosis can happen if proper treatments are applied. Patients are advised to seek medical help for proper treatment. Visiting the best doctor available is the initial process of getting treatment.