Primary Peritoneal Cancer – What Every Woman Needs to Know
Primary peritoneal cancer is commonly known as peritoneal adenocarcinoma. This is the cancer in the peritoneum which is a thin sheet of lines in the abdomen. It has lots of similarities with ovarian cancer.
In other words, this cancer relatively behaves and looks like cancer of the ovaries. Knowing facts about ovarian cancer can give you ideas regarding how peritoneal cancer can affect a woman.
Ovarian or primary peritoneal cancer has various risk factors. These are early menstruation, late menopausal, infertility, genetic inheritance of ovarian cancer and history of colon or breast cancer. Some causes of primary peritoneal cancer include undergoing hormonal replacement therapy and taking fertility drugs. Even a mother who bears a child at age 30 has a possible tendency to have this cancer. Experiencing one or some of these conditions should be more careful regarding her health to avoid the cancer.
Primary peritoneal cancer symptoms are similar to ovarian cancer. Vaginal bleeding is considered normal during menstrual period. However, if you get more blood than regular menstruation is one sign of peritoneal cancer. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite or the feeling of being stuffed already although you only take a very light meal. It is also a symptom for a primary peritoneal cancer patient to gain weight unexpectedly. Abnormal increase of weight is considered an unusual condition since one of the symptoms is appetite loss. Feeling these signs and symptoms requires you to find treatment as early as possible.
The primary peritoneal cancer prognosis varies depending on the stages. Like other form of cancers, there is a high survival rate for early stages while low chances are expected to advanced stages. However, primary peritoneal cancer survival rate can be improved regardless of the stage. Taking appropriate treatments is the means to survive from this cancer.
Surgery is the typical and standard primary peritoneal cancer treatment. A doctor needs to remove the affected area through surgical operation. After this, you may also undergo chemotherapy and clinical traits. A good alternative of chemotherapy is radiotherapy which also kills cancerous cells. Seeking treatment is the most important and necessary matter about this cancer survival rate.
Preventing primary peritoneal cancer works through those given treatments. It is then a high recommendation to see a doctor for medical check-up. A doctor must diagnose you to give the best treatment for faster recover and better result. Keeping these facts and information is very helpful for your health.