Tongue Cancer Symptoms

Tongue Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

There are four common tongue cancer symptoms which every person needs to be aware of. Tongue cancer is a serious cancer in any area of the tongue. It is sometimes called as mouth cancer.

Tongue Cancer Symptoms

Tongue Cancer Symptoms

It is called an “orapharyngeal” cancer if the infected area is located at the base of the tongue near the back of the throat. Knowing the symptoms of this cancer lets you know if you are suffering from it.

The following are tongue cancer symptoms and signs. There is a small to medium size white or red spot on the tongue. Any discomfort or something is growing at the back of the tongue is a sign. Among the common tongue cancer symptoms bad breath is present in the mouth. Another symptom is a sore in the mouth, whether a sore throat or a sore spot on the tongue. A patient may also have a slight to severe pain while swallowing or chewing food. Other people experience unexplained bleeding in the mouth if they have tongue cancer. These are all early tongue cancer symptoms. Consulting a dentist or any oral care specialist is the first thing you should do if you feel these symptoms.


Tongue cancer symptoms or oral tongue cancer symptoms can be also become sever.  The usual severe symptoms of tongue or oral cancer are swelling or thickening, lumps or bumps, rough spots on the lips and gums or other areas in the mouth. There is also the creation of velvety white, red or speckled patches in the mouth. Other symptoms can be unexplained bleeding in the mouth, loss of feeling or numbness and pain in any area of the face, mouth or neck. Persistent sores on the face, neck and mouth that easily bleed are other signs of oral cancer. A patient of this cancer will also feel soreness at the back of the throat, have hoarseness, chronic sore throat or a change in voice. Avoiding these conditions can only happen if you know how to prevent tongue cancer survival rate.

Getting medical help is what you must do once you have tongue cancer symptoms. This kind of cancer can be treated if you seek help from a doctor right away. Otherwise, this condition may lead to other more complicated health problems. Once you feel throat and tongue cancer symptoms, treatment must be followed right away. It is always necessary to have quick medical treatment for faster recovery and higher chance to survive. Keeping these facts in mind would give you a hint of what to do once you have this cancer.

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