Adrenal Cancer Life Expectancy

Adrenal Cancer Life Expectancy

Read the following information if you like to know about adrenal cancer life expectancy.

Adrenal Cancer Life Expectancy

Adrenal Cancer Life Expectancy

Adrenal cancer survival rate according to reports and statistics shows that there are only 10% among patients who survived after 5 years right after their diagnosis and treatment. This means that the prognosis or survival rate is very slim for many adrenal cancer patients. Taking treatments for this cancer is the only way that you can improve the prognosis.

The survival rate of this kind of cancer depends on whether the tumor has spread to other parts of the body or not. If the tumor is found at the adrenal gland then there is the possibility of curing it. Adrenal cancer life expectancy also depends on the kind of treatments conducted. Although surgical removal of the tumor has been done, there are almost 50% total patients can suffer from relapse. Visiting a physician for a check-up is a good thing to do.

Adrenal cancer symptoms vary depending on the hormones produced excessively. You will experience adrenal fatigue if you have this kind of cancer. This is another version of bandwagon for stress related disorders. This is caused by the result of everyday fatigue and stress. There is also an excessive fat on your top back, loss of hair on scalp, an increase in facial and body hair, more weight in the torso area, face may become larger than the usual size, muscle weakness and skin begins to look thinner. Other symptoms are loss of muscularity in men, mental disturbance, hallucinations and depression. Feeling these signs is a call for an immediate medical help.


Patients can survive from this adrenal cancer if there is proper and right treatment given. In fact, there are many treatments to choose from. These are surgical removal, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and home cures. Home treatments like eating more fruits and vegetables are a good natural or home treatment. Fresh fruits and vegetables have certain anti-toxic substances that will surely kill cancer survival rate. Applying the appropriate treatment can surely increase the chance for a patient to survive.

Learning adrenal cancer life expectancy is important as it gives you knowledge regarding the disease. Early detection of the disease and proper treatment will result to a positive cure. It is necessary that once you detect symptoms of this adrenal cancer, you see a doctor whom you can trust. He will perform diagnosis and recommend the best treatment for you. Visiting a doctor should be done as soon as possible.

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