Esophageal Cancer Prognosis
Esophageal cancer prognosis is very much dependent on several factors. The age of a patient and his general health condition are common factors of prognosis of this cancer. It also depends on how progressive the cancer in spreading during the time of diagnosis. The stage of the cancer is also a big factor of its prognosis.
Fortunately, surviving from this chronic cancer would surely depend much on treatments.
Generally the esophageal cancer survival rates are covered for five years. The esophageal cancer prognosis stage 4 is very poor. It has only less than 5% survival rate for this advanced stage of cancer. This is due to the fact that the cancer cells have already spread to other parts of the body. Esophageal cancer prognosis stage 3 is likewise poor too having only 10 to 15% survival rate. Its prognosis is not favorable due to the reason that the disease is not usually detected in its early stages. Esophageal cancer prognosis stage 2 depends the 2 forms of stages. Stage 2A increases to 30 to 40% survival rate and stage 2B has 20 to 30% survival rate. Lastly, stage 1 esophageal cancer prognosis has the highest survival rate ranging from 50 to 80%. This is because the cancer is still at its early stage and treatments are very effective. Taking treatments is still the best advice regarding the stage a patient is suffering from.
Esophageal cancer prognosis after surgery is either improved or not depending on the stage. With only 11 to 22% survival rate for recurrent, there is a minimal chance to survive. In some cases, there are still other therapies to conduct even after surgery. This will surely increase the survival rate of a patient. Improving esophageal cancer prognosis can work if there are various effective treatments applied.
If there is no increase regarding esophageal cancer prognosis stomach is one sign for that. This cancer can spread to other parts of the body which may provide some medical complications. Getting treatment as fast as possible is highly recommended.
There are several effective natural remedies to administer to patients for esophageal cancer prognosis improvement. These can be either medical treatments or natural cures, or mostly a combination of both. Changing your lifestyle, eating habits and hygiene habits can help prevent this disease. Eating more fruits and vegetables can certainly help a lot. Proper preventive measures like avoid smoking tobacco and abstaining from alcohol intake are very important to observe. Maintaining a healthy diet by eating more fruits and vegetables is also advised. Among medical treatment procedures, surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are conducted. Applying these treatments can surely give a chance for a patient to survive.