Esophageal Cancer Symptoms

Esophageal Cancer Symptoms Exposed

The esophageal cancer symptoms  depend on the stages where the cancer has gone.

Esophageal Cancer Symptoms

Esophageal Cancer Symptoms

There are no visible symptoms of esophageal cancer during early stages of this cancer. However, as the cancer advances or progresses numerous signs and symptoms begin to appear. Reading the information below is a good choice if you like to know the various symptoms of this cancer.

The symptoms of esophageal cancer begin to occur as the disease progresses. There is difficulty in swallowing, a pain experienced while swallowing and food sticking at the esophagus while in the process of eating. A patient will also experience coughing or sometimes vomiting blood, sudden weight loss and persistent heartburn, chest pain or reflux. As the cancer advances more, the cancer will become more visible and esophageal cancer symptoms are more felt. Among the advanced esophageal cancer symptoms are scratchy voice, sore throat, hoarse voice or loss of voice, pain in the throat and sometimes at the back shoulder also. There is incessant coughing, vomiting and sometimes coughing with blood too. Having these kinds of conditions should give you a reason to see a doctor.


The end stage esophageal cancer symptoms may be difficult with more serious problems. These could affect your intake of food, provide pain and give you drooping saliva. There are several throat esophageal cancer symptoms as well. These include a scratchy throat and trouble in swallowing non-soft food. There is also the feeling like some food is stuck in your esophagus while you are eating. Do not take this for granted but rather seek immediate help for proper treatment. Consulting your oncologist for proper treatment and healing is advisable.

When it comes to esophageal cancer symptoms age is not a factor. However, this kind of disease increases its risks at the age of 50 and above. This kind of cancer is also more common in men than in women. Men are affected 3 times much higher than women. This means that the esophageal cancer is more prevalent at older men. Avoiding this cancer is possible even during at the risky age.

Detecting esophageal cancer symptoms is good as it encourages you to take treatment. It is advisable to have awareness of the signs and symptoms of esophageal cancer. This brings you the thought to see a doctor right away. Treating this cancer immediately can help a patient survive.

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