Esophagus Cancer Surgery

Esophagus Cancer Surgery – The Method of Treatment to Survive

Esophagus cancer surgery  is one of the best treatments for esophagus cancer.

Esophagus Cancer Surgery

Esophagus Cancer Surgery

There has been reduction of mortality rate for the past 10 years because of surgery. This is one of the good treatments for curing cancer patients. Based on the previous surveys and studies, it has been proven that surgery produced the same result as chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Undergoing surgery can give a high chance for a patient to survive.

There are two esophagus cancer surgery procedures which are esopagogastrectomy and esopagectomy. These kinds of surgeries will basically remove what causing the esophageal area to be cancerous. They both focus on different esophagus parts. However, it may depend on the patient’s condition and needs. Removing cancerous cells or tumor is done any of the stated types of surgeries.

Considering esophagus cancer surgery treatment may be the right choice. This will surely kill the cancerous and malignant cells which stop them from recurring. After surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy may also be sought if the cancer cells are not totally eliminated. Curing esophagus cancer would be very helpful if there are other therapies included only if needed.

The method of esophagogastrectomy is the process of removing lymph nodes in the stomach’s upper part and other cancerous areas in the esophagus cancer survival rate. The doctor will reattach the esophagus to the stomach by stretching the stomach area upward to the esophagus. They will use a part of the colon to easily connect the stomach to the esophagus. On the other hand, esophagectomy is conducted during the early stages and before the cancer has spread. This procedure’s main concern is to remove cancerous parts in the esophagus and in the adjacent lymph nodes. The esophagus will get reconnected to the stomach through stretching the stomach upward unto the esophagus area using some parts of the intestines.


Esophagus cancer surgery is a major surgical operation that usually lasts for 7 to 8 hours. The esophagus cancer surgery recovery period will take some time. Recovering from surgical procedure could take long but getting treatment is still what matters the most.

There are possible esophagus cancer surgery complications after the procedure. These may include blood clots, infections or heart attack. There may be also some leakage due to the newly reconnected esophagus and stomach.  In addition to that, a patient may still feel nausea and vomiting. Seeing your doctor is advisable once you get to experience complications after surgery.

Getting treatment through esophagus cancer surgery may be expensive. It requires the patient to be hospitalized. The result of the patient for this kind of surgery may depend on the stage where the cancer has gone. It also depends on his overall health condition. Surviving from this cancer through surgery is still the main objective of this kind of situation.

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