How to Know if You Have Colon Cancer – Early Signs to Remember

Every type of cancer does not always show an obvious symptom, but you cannot eliminate the potential signs of colon cancer. What is colon cancer and how are you going to know if you have it? This is the major question that we will answer through the information below, which consists of the early symptoms that indicate cancer in the colon area.


Understanding Colon Cancer

Colon is a body part that is situated in the digestive system, particularly in the large intestine. It is basically functional in digesting food and beverage, as well as absorbing nutrients and residues or ashes. It also has the responsibility to eliminate toxins in the body, which they become stool.

Local Symptoms of Colon Cancer

The signs or symptoms of colon cancer are usually classified into two: local and systematic. The differences between the two vary, but they can be both regarded as early signs.

When it comes to local colon cancer signs, the colon itself is affected, as well as the regular bathroom activity. The following are the early signs of colon cancer, and considered as local symptoms.

1. Changes in Bowel Movements and Habits

When you frequently need the bathroom more than usual, there is probably wrong with your colon. It may not just be a temporary stomach issue. It can be an early sign of cancerous cells growing in your colon, so better not underestimate it. If bowel habits are less than normal, there could be also a colon problem.

2. Constipation

This condition is actually not a serious one, as it can be a sign of other health issues. Yet, you must not just overlook it. It is possible that you are having colon cancer, especially if you suffer from this more than once in a week.

3. Diarrhea

Watery or loose stools are obvious indication of diarrhea. Again, this is an issue that can mean other things, but remember it includes colon cancer, most especially if it lasts for days.

4. Blood in Stools

Colon cancer can also be suspected to occur in one’s body through blood stools. If you see bright or dark red blood in your stool, it may tell you that you have cancerous cells right in your colon. Other than blood, the stool may become thinner than the normal size, which is also an early sign.

5. Abdominal Pain and Discomfort

Perhaps, you would feel like you are always full, even just after a few bites. Bloating, abdominal pain, discomfort, cramps and gas pains are also early colon cancer signs. If you experience these a lot of times in a week, or even in a day, do not hesitate to suspect it as a colon cancer. That should motivate you enough to go visit a doctor as quickly as possible.

Systematic Signs of Colon Cancer


Some early symptoms of this type of cancer are not only felt or experienced in the colon, but also in other parts of the body, which means from head to toe. Below is the list of other signs that are systematic.

1. Weight Loss

You are probably not planning to shed pounds, but you notice you are losing more weight. Unexpected or unintentional weight loss is a systemic sign of colon cancer.

2. Fatigue

Feeling more tired in a single day even though you do not have any heavy or loaded work is something to figure out. You may have a cancer in the colon area.

3. Loss of Appetite

Other than feeling tired and stressed, losing appetite is a systematic colon cancer symptom. This is easily identified if you there is a delicious food on the table or your favorite dish is made, but you do not feel like taking a bite or two. Remember, loss of appetite also means eating less.

4. Vomiting and Nausea

Vomiting or nausea is a symptom of many conditions. Do not eliminate the possibility that it may refer to colon cancer as well.

5. Jaundice or Anemia

Cancer basically affects red blood cells, so if you have colon cancer, your skin becomes yellow. It may be just a simple jaundice, but it can worsen as anemia.

Once you suffer from most of these symptoms, it is best to go see a doctor for a checkup. The earlier the colon cancer is detected, the better chance of treating it.

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