Raise Funds by Selling Some Delicious Treats and Fun Goodies

Cancer awareness is important as this supports patients and promotes prevention. Many people do different things to raise support and awareness. One of the most common ways to do that is to raise funds. From foods to personal items, there are many things that you can sell or put into auction. Here are some specific suggestions of which items that you may promote for the purpose to generate money and support cancer awareness.


1. Baked Cookies

Freshly baked chocolate cookies, oatmeal cookies, and other flavors are very ideal to use for sale and monetize for raising cancer awareness. That is because a lot of people, especially children and teens, love to eat cookies. You can sell them at a very affordable price, which makes it more marketable anywhere. You can simply put a stand outside your house, or pack them in DIY boxes to sell in schools or offices.

2. Cupcakes

Like cookies, mini cakes are ideal to sell on stand or anywhere else. In fact, they are presentable and mouth-watering to look upon, which can insist people to get one. You can buy in pieces or in boxes.

3. Wristbands

Selling wristbands that contain words of encouragement and indication of support against cancer is another brilliant idea. This is very common nowadays, too. You can motivate others to wear this regularly to showcase their full support in battling cancer, as well as to strengthen the spirit of patients and also survivors.

4. T-Shirts

Cancer Awareness

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Wearing something that promotes your support is a good feeling. But other than that, try to share it to others by marketing them. You can sell shirts with words of encouragement, such as “Go Away Cancer”, “Never Too Late to Keep Off Cancer”, or “I Hate Cancer, I Choose Health”. These items can be sold online or in the streets. You may also want to host a “t-shirt for sale for cancer awareness” themed event.

5. Used Appliances and Furniture

A garage sale is one very interesting and traditional event to raise money. This is widely practiced in different parts of the country, as well as in other nations around the globe. You can make your own event wherein you display and sell or put items into auction at your own place. You may also choose to team up with other home owners who can sell some of their stuff. Another idea is to check your local listing for any organization or group that is going to host an event like this soon. Whichever you prefer, it is still a great idea to raise some cash for cancer support and prevention.


6. Lemonade

One other common thing to sell is glasses of lemonade. This can be conducted by adults, teens, and even kids. In fact, it is easier to sell lemon juice drinks if you put your kids on a stand to sell them. Most people would find it cute and adorable, which somehow encourages them to buy.

As a matter of fact, there are plenty of items that you can sell and use to raise money. Just be smart and wise enough to know the easiest items to sell. Also, be creative on what you can do to easily market them. Somehow, you need to learn a little of marketing techniques and skills for faster and easier profit. Make sure to plan ahead of time and accordingly. So that by the scheduled time and day to sell those items, you’d be fully ready and excited to raise and support cancer awareness.

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