Signs that You May Have Leukemia

At these present days, there are many illnesses that can make our body weak. We need to consult our physician to diagnose what we are feeling. But it’s always recommended to pay a doctor a visit regularly, in order to prevent getting sick and to avoid any illness as early as possible, especially when the condition is an early stage of a cancer.


Cancer is known to be the second most dangerous sickness, as it is one of the causes of deaths around the globe. Among the cancer types that must be avoided is leukemia.

Leukemia is one of the most serious sicknesses that attack both men and women, regardless of the age. This is the condition in which the normal or healthy cells are not able to reproduce new cells and prevent the existing cells from functioning.

Like other cancers, leukemia varies in stages. If the early stage of this cancer occurs in you, there is a high possibility to treat it. Later stages are quite risky and less likely to cure. Yet, expect that there is a great speed of growing number of cancerous cells in your blood. So, getting treatment as soon as possible is a must and very recommended.

One way that can help you prevent this blood cancer is to identify the different symptoms. Once you are able to feel these signs, you have a reason to go to a doctor and see if you are having leukemia. Here are symptoms and signs that can indicate the occurrence of leukemia.

1. Fatigue

Feeling weak, frequently tired or generally unwell is a sign of fatigue. Fatigue is one of the common symptoms that may suggest you are sick. This is also a possible sign that you have leukemia.

In women, this is more occurring during the period of menstruation. This is caused by the low number of red blood cells in the bloodstream, or a state condition known as anemia. There is the trap of essential oxygen that must be transported in muscles and tissues. Thus, the result is making your body feel weak and fatigued.

2. Frequent Infections

Leukemia cells are generally underdeveloped and abnormal cells, which cannot help fight body infections. Because of that, there is a high potential of suffering from different infections, such as urinary tract infection or UTI, mouth infection, fungal infection, and others that affect the throat, lung and skin.

In addition, cancer cells in the blood are able to restrict bone marrow to build healthy white blood cells. This can result to the formation of infections.

3. Fevers

Another health issue that may suggest the occurrence of leukemia cells is fever. Unexplained fever is usually a common symptom of this cancer. When you have fever, your body produces chemicals that give brain pressure, making you feel dizzy, cold of a sudden and chilling.

4. Excessive Bleeding or Abnormal Bruising

Leukemia cells also trap the body’s bone marrow in producing a great number of healthy blood cells, which include platelets. If you do not have enough platelets, do not be surprised if you experience bleeding in your nose and gums. Tiny red spots under your skin called petechiae, heavy menstrual bleeding (for women) and abnormal bruises are other indications. These are unexpected encounters, but instead of panic, go to a doctor right away, and have yourself diagnosed and get treated immediately.


5. Enlarged Lymph Nodes

Swollen lymph nodes can also suggest the build-up of leukemia cells. When lymph nodes, most especially in the armpit, are enlarged, it is essentially fighting body infections. You may be thankful for the function of our lymph nodes, but take note, that they are also the voice that tells you that you may have cancer, like leukemia.

6. Bone and Joint Pain

The most common symptoms of leukemia is pain in the bone and joint. This pain especially occurs if you have a great amount of abnormal white blood cells in your bone marrow, particularly in the breastbone (sternum) or pelvic region (hips).

7. Abdominal Discomfort or Pain in Spleen and Liver

Abnormal white blood cells are also collected in the liver and spleen if you have leukemia. This is easy to recognize if your abdomen starts to swell and you feel completely uncomfortable. This kind of swelling can also lead you to lose your appetite, or else make you feel full, even when you haven’t really eaten enough food.

8. Headaches and Other Neurological Complaints

Neurologic-related symptoms like dizziness, vomiting, nausea, visual changes, and seizures can also happen due to leukemia cells. These affect the fluid surrounding your spinal cord and brain or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In most cases, it refers to acute lymphocytic leukemia.

These symptoms of leukemia are also signs of other illnesses and different types of cancers. Whether they may indicate leukemia or not, it is still wise and necessary to go to the right person, a physician, of course. It is better to remedy the early stages of this cancer than in later stages. So, if you experience any or all of these health conditions, do not hesitate to go to the nearest hospital.