Many women, and even men and children, from around the world have full support of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This event is yearly celebrated during the whole month of October.
People who are affected by breast cancer and those who know someone who suffered are usually the most supportive of this awareness. Perhaps, you are one of those people who have the passion to support, participate, contribute and raise awareness against breast cancer. If you are very much interested to show your support, here are different things that you can try doing during the Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Take a Walk or Run
The most common event to raise breast cancer awareness is a one-day walk or run. Sometimes, it is held more than just a single day, too. Others host all Sundays of the month of October. The purpose of walking or running together is to remind the importance of exercise. Aside from that, they also raise money and awareness. Both your money and time will be worth it if you do something like this, because proceeds are to support victims and help find treatment.
Participate in a Triathlon or Bike Event
Other than the simple walk or run of some miles, breast cancer awareness is celebrated through sports event, mostly bike racing and triathlon. Most of the participants are active and healthy people who have the burden to support this cause. Others are intentionally invited and solicited to support such event.
Donate or Solicit
Raising awareness like this is basically about providing money to fund the different organizations in finding ways to cure breast cancer. You can either donate or seek monetary help. If you donate, there are many groups that open and accept donations from anyone who is willing to give. Otherwise, you may host your own donation event and invite others to support for the cause.
Buy or Sell
Whether you are a member of a local organization or not, selling items and collecting money to create funds are a good idea. Proceeds may go to research or direct financial support of patients. You may simply have a food stand and offer lemonade, cookies, personal items, or anything that you can sell to people. Hosting an auction event is not a bad thing to do as well.
If you cannot sell anything, you can be the buyer. Just find within your community that sell items and show your support by buying. There are many stores and groups that offer items with pink ribbon logo that are exclusively for the awareness of this cancer. You can also find online where to shop random items from clothes to pink ribbons, which you can display, hygiene products to healthy foods, and other “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” products.
Speak in Public
Spreading an essential message to commemorate this special October event is another idea. You may be a survivor and want to inspire other women by sharing your own life story, how you struggled but didn’t lose hope and survived. If not, you can share some tips on how to take care of the health, especially the ways to protect breast against cancer, and tell the importance of breast examination.
For some, speaking in public may be a big thing. However, you still want to contribute and make a difference to raise awareness. There are other alternatives which may be in the form of blogging online, making a website with breast cancer awareness tips, or printing flyers and pamphlets that you can give out to different people on the street.
Visit Patients
You can also consider going to hospitals or treatment centers in your society. If you pay a visit, breast cancer victims will surely be happy somehow, knowing that there are people who are very passionate, generous and supportive of them. This is a heart-warming and priceless thing you can ever do in support of the cause.
Whether you are healthy or one of the survivors, you do not only give smile to patients who are currently fighting the cancer, but also provide happiness for yourself. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to share, support and raise awareness against breast cancer. Anything you do, either small or big, is very much appreciated.