Metastatic Colon Cancer Survival Rates – Finding Out Chances to Survive
The five-year metastatic colon cancer survival rates range from only 20 to 30 percent. This stage of cancer among colon cancer patients is not too high at all. However, there is a big chance for every patient to survive. Furthermore, patients who do not have cancer cells spread to lungs or to liver can greatly survive. Any patient can have five more years or more added to his life if he gets lucky. Metastatic colon cancer prognosis is important to some. It gives patients some hopes and expectation to live more. Knowing the metastatic colon cancer life expectancy whether a good or bad news for you must serve as an encouragement for you to fight to live.
Colon cancer can happen to one’s life if there is a tumor in the colon or rectum. Since both the colon and the rectum form the large intestine, the tumor can spread. This becomes metastatic colon cancer liver as well as metastatic colon cancer lung. This kind of cancer is considered as one of the primary causes of death that is related to cancers and tumors. Fortunately, it is a cancer that is curable even if it is a metastatic colon cancer. Applying metastatic colon cancer treatment is needed in this kind of disease.
Although metastatic colon cancer survival rates are low, treatment is not difficult to find. Doctors can recommend surgical method as the initial way to cure colon cancer. The tumor must be removed out of the lower part of the digestive. This is how to cure colon cancer that is caused by tumor. Other than this, a follow-up chemotherapy and prevention are necessary to apply. You must also undergo some chemotherapy sessions in order to fully treat the cancer. The way you change your habits and lifestyle must be also applied. This means you add healthier foods in your diet, practice regular exercise and avoid vices such as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Following all these treatments and healthy habits can help you prevent colon cancer.
Improving metastatic colon cancer survival rates is possible through treatments. You are then suggested to get help from a doctor once you feel the symptoms of colon cancer. In addition, you must know the symptoms in order to have an idea when to meet a doctor. A delay of treatment can make the cancer worse. Treating colon cancer immediately is important to have a higher chance to survive.