Cancer is a phenomenal disease that can affect people of any age, gender, and race around the world. Scientific studies show that every year cases of death caused by cancer increases. For this reason, most doctors find ways and solutions to lessen the number of death cases.
Generally, there are many forms of cancer, such as lung cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, skin cancer, blood cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer. Proper diet and regular exercises are the primary recommendations of doctors and experts. A healthy lifestyle is the main key to prevent and fight certain cancers.
Fruits and vegetables are commonly high in proteins, fiber, and other vitamins and minerals that are good for the health. One of the superfoods that must be daily consumed is broccoli. The question is does broccoli really fight certain cancer types? Well, according to studies, the health benefits of broccoli include the prevention of cancer. It is reach in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help stop cancer by protecting cells from free radicals.
Most of the approved veggies and fruits with the conclusion to prevent cancer are those green vegetables and colorful fruits. They do not only help combat cancer, but also other diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and kidney problems.
World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) review several physical activities, diet and weight programs to point out the benefits of eating healthy foods. Berries, garlic, and broccoli are identified as great foods for cancer prevention. These three have lower calories and fat, and are rich in phytochemicals that help reduce the source of cancer.
Fruits and vegetables that have lycopene, beta-carotene, and vitamin C are great sources of antioxidants. Based on studies, they have concluded to one common thing, which is that people who eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in these nutrients have a lower risk of cancer. They are a helpful shield against harmful compounds from foods that can produce free radicals in the body. In addition, phytochemicals are good for fixing damaged cells and boosting the immune system.
Good diet doesn’t strictly mean you need to avoid certain foods. Actually, a healthy diet is simply balancing the nutrients that you get from foods. It must be less calories and fat, and more in vitamins and minerals. Ultimately, this diet can fight certain cancers and other serious diseases.
You can eat common foods like meat, fish, and whole grains. But be sure to mix them with vegetables and fruits, as well as with proper exercise on a daily basis. Remember that weight is also important to optimize health. Maintaining the right weight can be really hard, sometimes. You can easily gain more weight than to lose pounds. This is the reason why proper diet is always a helpful solution to prevent obese. Once you have an abnormal weight, it is more prone to cancers.
Doctors know what is best for you and your health. If they all agree on what foods to eat, then you must follow that advice. Likewise, they provide a list of foods and drinks to avoid, which must be followed as well. In this case, you stay away from sugary beverages, red meat, processed meats, fatty foods, and salty foods.
With the many types of cancers that can affect your health, it is something that every person must not ignore. As this disease usually is caused by bad foods and unhealthy lifestyles, it is necessary to eat proper foods, along with the application of exercise and other physical activities. That way you have a less chance of getting cancer.